Saturday, April 24, 2010


Ø Compare and contrast the differences between the nature and nurture approaches to personality? Include the nomothetic and idiographic approaches. Provide links to any articles which review this topic. Summarise with your views – do you feel nature or nurture is the dominant influence.
Ø Visit 2 websites and take 2 tests e.g.
1. Include a summary of your findings about your own personality in your portfolio
2. Compare the findings of both tests; do you agree with the findings of the tests?
3. Would you be happy for such a test to be used as a selection tool, explain your answer?
Nature versus Nurture is an expression that is shorthand appearance for debates about the relative significance of a person’s inborn individuality, which is considered as ‘’nature’’ versus individual experiences, which is ‘’nurture’’ in shaping or causing personage differences in physical and behavioural character (Wikipedia, 2010).
Good explanation of nature and nurture is available to watch on the ‘’YouTube’’ Nature v. Nurture
Personality can be described as nomothetic or idiographic. The nomothetic describes the study of the individual, who is seen as an entity, with property setting people apart from other individuals and can be categorised as:
· Fixed
· Statistical study of groups
· Objective questionnaires
· Personality types
· Prediction
· Link to heredity, biology, genetics
· Traits, trade clusters
The idiographic is more the study of group of individuals and can be categorised as:
· Individualises
· Uniqueness
· Adaptable, open to change
· Influence of social and structural process
· Interaction with environment
· Self concept.
My first test was called as ‘’The Big Personality Test’’ and was designed by Proffesor Michael Lamb and Dr Jason Rentfrow of the University of Cambridge to discover and understand more about the relationship between personality and different areas of our lives, such as happiness, family, health and career choice.
The test was divided to big five trade score,
1. Openness
2. Conscientiousness
3. Extroversion
4. Agreeableness
5. Neuroticism
Which have given two results: numerical score and a grouping-high, medium or low.
The test result described me as a very easy person which can likely come up with original solutions to problems also that I probably enjoy planning aspects of my life and may indulge in list-making, but I am unlikely to be averse to behaving spontaneously. My high extroversion score shown that I am more likely to lead risky lifestyles and take greater risk in pursuit of rewards. I am probably can find it easy to get along with most people, but I won’t be averse to speaking my mind. I may find myself worrying when faced with uncertainty or unfamiliar situations.
The second personality test was called ‘’The Framicon and Your Comfort Zone’’ which explain the behaviour and personality patterns that result from thought, takes place in the human brain. The brain is divided to four regions and handle’s conceptual thoughts.
1. Left front-principles, options, analysis and logical conclusions.
2. Left back-names, definitions, data and information.
3. Right front- beliefs, values, intuition and creative associations.
4. Fight back-sensations, experiences and feelings.
As a result, each of the four regions of the brain performs a special kind of thinking. In turn, each region triggers a special kind of action.
The test result shown that my tendency is to favour; sociability and control, because I employ it more often, a mindframe in my zone will strongly influence my behaviour. I will find using it comfortable and enjoyable, so anything I handle in my comfort zone will be done with more enthusiasm and persistence .To build my success I should
· Teaming-make an effort to get along or work more smoothly with people who favour mindframes that I do not
· Skills-gain experience with techniques
· Procedures- follow jobs aids, menus and other guides
· Devices-employ technology to support myself.
In conclusion I must say that was very interesting to take a tests and discover things that could help me to learn much more about myself and my reactions and to see how human brain works. In my opinion only a trained professional can give a perfectly accurate personality profile. However, free personality from the internet which I had an opportunity to take can give me some ideas about what I should do to understand my behaviour and reactions. I do agree with both results and I enjoyed reading about myself especially when most of the scores were compatible with my personality. I think that this type of test should be included in recruitment to help create good culture at workplace.
· Blackboard, Bucks New University 2010 online source-People and Organisations , Power point slides, week 7 Personality
Available from
· Wikipedia 2010, The free Encyclopaedia-online source
Available from
(Accessed 20 April 2010)

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