Monday, April 26, 2010


Leadership and management are used as synonyms but there are differences between these two words (Mullins, 2007, p 363). In management problems are controlled and solved by the manager when in leadership person who is the leader motivate and inspire employees. Manager is responsible for plan and budget, when leader showing the direction to people to follow to achieve given by manager tasks. Manger organise things but leader try associate with his idea. In leadership people are encourage to changes, in management they are command and foretell. Manager takes things impersonally and is not emotionally abusive but leader take things more personally and tries to understand other’s feelings. In management the most important is planning, organising, directing and controlling. On the contrary in leadership were significant are: communicating, motivating and encouraging. In management manager is focused on result where in leadership leader is most interested in transforms. (Blackboard, 2010)
The” Managerial Grid” created by Blake and Mouton is a way to identify whether a manager has a high focus on people to the damage of result or whether to achieve good result. Blake and Mouton believed that management is used to inspire employees to creativity, innovation or performance. The leadership grid includes:
· 1,1 The Impoverished Manager-this is the type of manager who care only about himself and will not do much for people, is simply passing information from employees to higher management, will do only enough to just collect his wages.
· 9, 1 The Authoritative Manager-those managers’ represents a task oriented and to have a job done is their highest priority. Employees will not have a chance to express themselves. These type of manager will keep informed people about what they can or cannot do and force them to focus on the task.
· 1, 9 The Social Manager-will work very hard and not to offend employees. These managers are understanding and compassionate. Is a kid of soft person which will even apologize for having expectations. They treat employees as a one big happy family and the social atmosphere is very important where in the same time concern of production is low.
· 5, 5 The Middle of the Road Manager-is a bureaucratic manager who keeps a tradition at work and follows rules and regulations, they do not promote excellence but do not tolerate poor work. Goals are discussed with employees but focus on organization achievement not on personal goals. Concern of production is high but importance of people low.
· 9, 9 The Team Manager- believes in people and that there is a strong connection between people and production. They will create good working conditions and that employees know the expectations and what is strongly required but in the same time let them have a say in decisions that affect them. There is strong development of communication, motivation and commitment. High level of concern for people and production.(Blackboard,2010)

I used to work for a big company with many line managers employed .One of the line manager was my boss which was very nice, too nice to people and because of that nobody was respecting him. He was a very talkative person and around him we felt like a big strong family. The problem was when we needed to finish a task, which could not happen because he was too busy focusing on people’s private problems. In Blake and Mouton “Managerial grid” I relate him to 1, 9 The social Manager.
I would consider Adolf Hitler as a great leader. Trough the World War 2 he changed a world from happiness to sadness for many years, even after the war. Hitler always had the final say. People could not protest otherwise they could be killed. The image of Hitler as a leader in military operations is powerful and persistent. He was very stubborn and had a paranoid fear. His personality led people to follow him and endorse his brutality.
It is very important to have a strong leader at work place as also good manager who focuses not only on production level but in the same time know how to motivate and inspire employees to work together. Important is to create friendly social atmosphere which could help achieve organisation goals.
· Blackboard,2010,New Bucks University, People and Organisations, Power point slides, Leadership-online source
Available from
(Accessed 25 April 2010)
· Mullins Laurie, 2007, eight edition, Management and Organisational behaviour, Pearson Educational Limited, page 363.

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